The wine industry in italy has managed to make great progress in the past 15 years. According to new law in 1992, the effort of the italian government to effectively control and regulate the often chaotic and archaic italian wine laws now seems within reach. In line with the rest of countries in the European Union, Italian wines are classified in a system known as the DOC system. The requirement of the system are similar and in line with those of the other member of the European Union.
The categories in this system are
- Vano da tavola
- Vino da tavola con Indicazioni Geografica
- Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC)
- Denominazione di Origine Controllate e Guarantita (DOCG)
Vino da tavola
The simply and most basic level in the italian wine law classification.
These tabl
e wines are equivalent to French vins de table and Germany’s Tafelwein. The quality of these wines can vary greatly. In their pursuit to make better wines, some younger winemakers have tried newer techniques and used non-traditional grape types with excellent results. Excellent wines like Sassicaia and Tignanellow are actually rated as vino da tavola though they certainly deserve atleast a DOC status. However, since they are made from or blended wih non-traditional grape varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon, they do not qualify for DOC rating and are relegated to table wine status. However, these well made wines enjoy international recognition, high price and request despite being da tavola.

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